Greetings traveler of the Internets!
Welcome to Tales of Ancient Kings, my attempt in the mighty field of Blogerism. Blogsmithing? Blogitechture? Whatever you wish to call it (hopefully using creative made up words), I have been perusing the idea for some time now. Fueled by each and every post other Bloggers have published and a deep inner desire to write more, perhaps my mark (read: stain) on the world shall finally be placed.
I have always admired those that put themselves out there. The entire blogosphere itself is impressive, not to mention the addition of other forms of media such as the Podcast or You Tube series. Taking something you enjoy, as simple as a hobby, and being able to create using it as a base has always been a small dream. A lingering thought in the back of my mind that continually pops up from time to time.Questions, oh there are plenty of questions, most of which answers still elude me. However it never hurts to try.
Of Poutine and Long walks on the beach
A little bit of information about me you say? Very well. I am a Canadian (eh?) World of Warcraft player, having been playing since the end of Vanilla. My eyes were opened to the joys of healing during The Burning Crusade. Since then My Feral wife and I (no no, she is a druid I mean!) have been tanking and healing our way through the as much as Blizzard will throw at us. Originally a Resto Shaman, my heart now lies with the light and healing as a Holy Paladin. The decision to main change was difficult, but a change of pace was needed and I do not regret it one bit. In the end, I will always be a healer though. What can I say, I enjoy juggling those health bars.
Currently my guild is 7/13 in 25 mans, recently downing heroic Conclave of Wind.
Content for Tales will range from personal experiences within WoW, healing information, and a whole slew of Holy Paladin jargon. At least those are the goals set in my mind...anything could happen!
The Past is Present!
It being Day 1 here, there are a wide number of things that have been missed since Cataclysms launch. Let us briefly explore the past before we wrap things up.
Holy Power!? What is this, I don't even...
Buahaha Healing these 5 mans are a breeze! *Ding 85*
Heroics are hard T_T
Holy Light nerf to Tower of Radiance? THE WORLD HAS ENDED.
Light of Dawn good, Light of Dawn Bad. Tower of Radiance Good, Tower of Radiance Bad. Word of Glory Good, Word of Glory Bad.
10 mans!? In MY progression content!?
Yay Hard modes! :)
Boo hard modes :(
Recycled content! Lazy Blizza...what? I can get a purple bear? Fuck yes!
Tier 12 looks like cloth, but at least we don't look like Spider-Man.
Blizzard: No mana for you Holy Paladins!
And so on. I am sure we missed a few steps but we are mostly caught up now. There we have it, intro post complete! *Insert Achievement Ding!* Hopefully there will plenty more tales to share as we continue along in both raiding content and through the daily life of WoW itself. I have a few other ideas, creative business for the future, mainly with Firelands and good god, Fan Fiction. Brace yourselves, this could get ugly!
Because cheese and gravy makes everything delicious...
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