Earlier this week Blizzard announced that with the coming of 4.2 and the Firelands, the previous tier of content would be receiving substantial changes. Essentially a 20% nerf in most abilities and health all around, it was later clarified that this was for normal modes only. As always, when things are made easier, a great cloud of mixed emotions was stirred up. Many people were displeased that content would be easily completed now, even if outdated. The question as always, is why?
Out with the old…
These type of changes are not new to the model Blizzard is implementing for raiding. Every new tier of content since the start of Wrath (arguably since Sunwell even) has essentially eliminated the previous tier from being relevant. The gear from the new is generally far superior to that of the old. Aside from achievements and “fun runs” there is little reason to run the old anymore. The majority of guilds no doubt stopped running Naxx when Ulduar hit the scene, because there was no point (aside from mind numbingly frustrating Immortal wipes).
Tier 10 brought us the Icecrown Citadel raid, which introduced a new method of making things easier. In time, an incremental, zone wide buff was given to players that capped out at 30%. This increased health,damage and healing with each increase, making things easier for people. It was not direct nerfs like Ulduar had received back in its heyday, but it still made things easier. With how difficult ICC was without the buff (to the common player base at least) many of us would not have been able to experience ICC to its fullest without it. I can safely say my guild would not have defeated Heroic Lich King without it…and considering there were so few who did kill him without the buff, I am okay with that. Granted, ICC was still relevant at the time but the buff made things more accessible.
Tier 11 has been a challenging tier of content. Blizzard did not hold back and gave people what they wanted. This has led to mixed results. Some people like a challenge, while others are stuck because certain fights are simply unforgiving. Even those that completed the content have called it quits due to burnout. Blizzard losing 600k accounts since the launch of Cataclysm may not be a huge coincidence. Why would they want to continue something that hurts their business? Casuals or not, Blizzard works for the majority, and one would assume the majority would actually like to see and experience the content.
…but in with the old?
The outcries at the nerfs for tier 11 are confusing, mainly because it will not be relevant to most raiders once Firelands arrives. From a majority perspective (at least the majority Blizzard is aiming at) the changes will allow those that are lagging behind to catch up. Current Valor Point items will be easier to obtain once they are purchasable through Justice Points. The Troll heroics will bridge any gaps between fresh 85s and the want to raid with those toons. Allowing people to run Tier 11 raids easier will simply add to the loot pile, making the catch up a little faster, and allowing people to take the next leap into the Firelands.
This also may give new life to PuG raids. Although it will differ per server, PuGing a raid these days is no easy task. The “return” of PuG raids may also breathe new life into both the game and your server. Speaking from personal experience, there is not much life on my current server from a major raiding perspective; the only thing people seem to be able to do is Baradin Hold and a few miscellaneous bosses from the rest of the content. More PuGs (even as bad as they can be) may reignite the raiding flame for some, which can then also lead to new potential recruits for you, the more serious raiding guild.
One other item to note is that the new Legendary has hinted at requiring the completion of Tier 11 content. There have not been any other details from what I have seen so this could be simply guild related, or just having the Defender of a Shattered World title will be enough. The changes should allow guilds an easier chance at the Legendary, or at the very least to flag the quest line, since I imagine it will require some time in Firelands to complete.
In the end…does it even matter?
Despite the complaints, I do not see the changes being a problem. It may end up being a good thing to be honest. Anyone that may call it quits in anger to this decision probably had a foot out the door already. Keep in mind that all the changes are for Normal mode only, the Heroic modes will be unchanged (for now at least) and probably still frustratingly hard for some. Firelands may also let others finally finish up Heroic Tier 11 (Hai 2 u Sinestra) with the increase of gear, or farm more Valor Points since 7 bosses may not meet the weekly cap.
But hey, at least melee are still getting screwed, amirite!?
Because making a Linkin Park reference was probably a low blow…
Chronicling adventures in healing, raiding, and life itself within the World of Warcraft
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A new system is in the works for World of Warcraft players that will allow us to group with friends on different servers via RealID. This was something that I expected since the launch of the Dungeon Finder, and really, it should have been a selling point right out of the box. I understand the complications to it though, so it is better late than never. Here is the catch though...in order to utilize this feature, one must have access to the "Premium Service." Ruh Roh...
The Price of the Social Game
The very mention of Premium Service automatically means paying more a month. This is not a new concept to MMO's, many Free to Play models utilize Premium Services, be it for extra items or even content such as raids. Blizzard already does this to a degree with their remote features, giving access to Remote Auction House and Guild Chat for a couple extra loonies a month. These features are gravy, things we really do not need but for the less than casual player, there is some use to them.
The issue with this new feature is that they want people to pay to be able to do what MMO's are built around. These type of games thrive on the social aspects and relationships the players form with one another. Sometimes these bonds is all that keep people playing. It is much easier to show up to a raid while experiencing burn out when you enjoy the people you raid with. Not allowing people to group with friends when the ability to do so is there seems to go against the social aspects of an MMO, just to squeeze out more profit. Tsk tsk Blizzard.
I can understand why people are up in arms about this. I think it is a bit too soon however to get out the pitchforks and torches akin to the RealID forum names fiasco they attempted before. We do not know yet what the price for running a dungeon with a friend will cost us. It is possible the work involved and the technology to achieve cross realm grouping via RealID is costly and thus requires additional fees. Although if no one signed up for the service, something tells me it would not simply go away.
We got a dollar...hey hey hey hey!
In the end I will no doubt hold on to my money for now, although the idea of being able to run a 5 man with WoW internet celebrities is tempting. Part of me thinks this will be no different than the pets and mounts one can buy, and Blizzard will strike gold again. I do not utilize RealID much anyway, and as many have put it...if you are concerned with running with friends on different servers, then you already have leveled alts on said servers. Besides, I know that Winged Lion mount is coming...and how can I resist something like that ;)
Because birds on coins are all the rage...
The Price of the Social Game
The very mention of Premium Service automatically means paying more a month. This is not a new concept to MMO's, many Free to Play models utilize Premium Services, be it for extra items or even content such as raids. Blizzard already does this to a degree with their remote features, giving access to Remote Auction House and Guild Chat for a couple extra loonies a month. These features are gravy, things we really do not need but for the less than casual player, there is some use to them.
The issue with this new feature is that they want people to pay to be able to do what MMO's are built around. These type of games thrive on the social aspects and relationships the players form with one another. Sometimes these bonds is all that keep people playing. It is much easier to show up to a raid while experiencing burn out when you enjoy the people you raid with. Not allowing people to group with friends when the ability to do so is there seems to go against the social aspects of an MMO, just to squeeze out more profit. Tsk tsk Blizzard.
I can understand why people are up in arms about this. I think it is a bit too soon however to get out the pitchforks and torches akin to the RealID forum names fiasco they attempted before. We do not know yet what the price for running a dungeon with a friend will cost us. It is possible the work involved and the technology to achieve cross realm grouping via RealID is costly and thus requires additional fees. Although if no one signed up for the service, something tells me it would not simply go away.
We got a dollar...hey hey hey hey!
In the end I will no doubt hold on to my money for now, although the idea of being able to run a 5 man with WoW internet celebrities is tempting. Part of me thinks this will be no different than the pets and mounts one can buy, and Blizzard will strike gold again. I do not utilize RealID much anyway, and as many have put it...if you are concerned with running with friends on different servers, then you already have leveled alts on said servers. Besides, I know that Winged Lion mount is coming...and how can I resist something like that ;)
Because birds on coins are all the rage...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Greetings traveler of the Internets!
Welcome to Tales of Ancient Kings, my attempt in the mighty field of Blogerism. Blogsmithing? Blogitechture? Whatever you wish to call it (hopefully using creative made up words), I have been perusing the idea for some time now. Fueled by each and every post other Bloggers have published and a deep inner desire to write more, perhaps my mark (read: stain) on the world shall finally be placed.
I have always admired those that put themselves out there. The entire blogosphere itself is impressive, not to mention the addition of other forms of media such as the Podcast or You Tube series. Taking something you enjoy, as simple as a hobby, and being able to create using it as a base has always been a small dream. A lingering thought in the back of my mind that continually pops up from time to time.Questions, oh there are plenty of questions, most of which answers still elude me. However it never hurts to try.
Of Poutine and Long walks on the beach
A little bit of information about me you say? Very well. I am a Canadian (eh?) World of Warcraft player, having been playing since the end of Vanilla. My eyes were opened to the joys of healing during The Burning Crusade. Since then My Feral wife and I (no no, she is a druid I mean!) have been tanking and healing our way through the as much as Blizzard will throw at us. Originally a Resto Shaman, my heart now lies with the light and healing as a Holy Paladin. The decision to main change was difficult, but a change of pace was needed and I do not regret it one bit. In the end, I will always be a healer though. What can I say, I enjoy juggling those health bars.
Currently my guild is 7/13 in 25 mans, recently downing heroic Conclave of Wind.
Content for Tales will range from personal experiences within WoW, healing information, and a whole slew of Holy Paladin jargon. At least those are the goals set in my mind...anything could happen!
The Past is Present!
It being Day 1 here, there are a wide number of things that have been missed since Cataclysms launch. Let us briefly explore the past before we wrap things up.
Holy Power!? What is this, I don't even...
Buahaha Healing these 5 mans are a breeze! *Ding 85*
Heroics are hard T_T
Holy Light nerf to Tower of Radiance? THE WORLD HAS ENDED.
Light of Dawn good, Light of Dawn Bad. Tower of Radiance Good, Tower of Radiance Bad. Word of Glory Good, Word of Glory Bad.
10 mans!? In MY progression content!?
Yay Hard modes! :)
Boo hard modes :(
Recycled content! Lazy Blizza...what? I can get a purple bear? Fuck yes!
Tier 12 looks like cloth, but at least we don't look like Spider-Man.
Blizzard: No mana for you Holy Paladins!
And so on. I am sure we missed a few steps but we are mostly caught up now. There we have it, intro post complete! *Insert Achievement Ding!* Hopefully there will plenty more tales to share as we continue along in both raiding content and through the daily life of WoW itself. I have a few other ideas, creative business for the future, mainly with Firelands and good god, Fan Fiction. Brace yourselves, this could get ugly!
Because cheese and gravy makes everything delicious...
Welcome to Tales of Ancient Kings, my attempt in the mighty field of Blogerism. Blogsmithing? Blogitechture? Whatever you wish to call it (hopefully using creative made up words), I have been perusing the idea for some time now. Fueled by each and every post other Bloggers have published and a deep inner desire to write more, perhaps my mark (read: stain) on the world shall finally be placed.
I have always admired those that put themselves out there. The entire blogosphere itself is impressive, not to mention the addition of other forms of media such as the Podcast or You Tube series. Taking something you enjoy, as simple as a hobby, and being able to create using it as a base has always been a small dream. A lingering thought in the back of my mind that continually pops up from time to time.Questions, oh there are plenty of questions, most of which answers still elude me. However it never hurts to try.
Of Poutine and Long walks on the beach
A little bit of information about me you say? Very well. I am a Canadian (eh?) World of Warcraft player, having been playing since the end of Vanilla. My eyes were opened to the joys of healing during The Burning Crusade. Since then My Feral wife and I (no no, she is a druid I mean!) have been tanking and healing our way through the as much as Blizzard will throw at us. Originally a Resto Shaman, my heart now lies with the light and healing as a Holy Paladin. The decision to main change was difficult, but a change of pace was needed and I do not regret it one bit. In the end, I will always be a healer though. What can I say, I enjoy juggling those health bars.
Currently my guild is 7/13 in 25 mans, recently downing heroic Conclave of Wind.
Content for Tales will range from personal experiences within WoW, healing information, and a whole slew of Holy Paladin jargon. At least those are the goals set in my mind...anything could happen!
The Past is Present!
It being Day 1 here, there are a wide number of things that have been missed since Cataclysms launch. Let us briefly explore the past before we wrap things up.
Holy Power!? What is this, I don't even...
Buahaha Healing these 5 mans are a breeze! *Ding 85*
Heroics are hard T_T
Holy Light nerf to Tower of Radiance? THE WORLD HAS ENDED.
Light of Dawn good, Light of Dawn Bad. Tower of Radiance Good, Tower of Radiance Bad. Word of Glory Good, Word of Glory Bad.
10 mans!? In MY progression content!?
Yay Hard modes! :)
Boo hard modes :(
Recycled content! Lazy Blizza...what? I can get a purple bear? Fuck yes!
Tier 12 looks like cloth, but at least we don't look like Spider-Man.
Blizzard: No mana for you Holy Paladins!
And so on. I am sure we missed a few steps but we are mostly caught up now. There we have it, intro post complete! *Insert Achievement Ding!* Hopefully there will plenty more tales to share as we continue along in both raiding content and through the daily life of WoW itself. I have a few other ideas, creative business for the future, mainly with Firelands and good god, Fan Fiction. Brace yourselves, this could get ugly!
Because cheese and gravy makes everything delicious...
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